Interim Programme Director for Manufacturing Optimisation
The Situation
A reduction in profitability for a global manufacturer of luxury items and one-off gifts required a review and repair of production capability, manufacturing systems and processes. The client had joint head office functions in London and Paris, along with a large factory in France, and required support to maximise profits in all areas of its operations.
The Solution
Our executive interim programme director, based in the UK and with business level French, was selected to work with the client, alongside IXPA partner Gilles Marque, from Actiss Transition Management, in France. Our programme director is Prince 2 qualified and offers expertise in delivering lean systems through manufacturing optimisation. He reviewed the client’s business practices to identify problem areas before delivering recommended solutions to the board. Once approved, the transformation plan was implemented immediately with delivery areas prioritised to increase profitability within the year. He also worked to identify new production software and introduce automation where possible, to help deliver a best-in-class production system.
The Outcome
The interim programme manager enabled the business to identify opportunities to increase both profitability and quality. As a result, profit has increased by 20% in the first year, while quality has also improved so customers continue to receive outstanding products. That trend is set to continue in the long-term, with ambitious targets set by Andrew and approved by the board. The new production system fully integrates with the group enterprise system so the order process has been streamlined and made as efficient as possible. He also identified an opportunity to decrease stock levels by 40%, which has led to a reduction in the level of stock being lost to damage, as well as increasing the working capital of the business. He has ensured the transfer of his expertise to the client to build stability for the future and enable them to return to profitability and growth.